
We look forward to helping  you decide which size and style of marquee would suit your event. See the Contact page to get in touch.

Another option is to use our tent planner tool and place a marquee onto a Google Maps view of your garden. The tool also allows you to place furniture into your marquee so you can assess how best to utilise your space.

If you wish to learn more about what a marquee can offer, or have any queries, we have provided answers to the most commonly asked questions below.

Click on any of the categories below to find out more about our marquees.

At any time, click on the CHECKLIST icon for a checklist that can be printed or saved in Excel or Word. You can use this to keep a record of your thoughts and decisions.


The Marquee

Our marquees range from 1.5m wide to 20m wide and can be as long as you like.

Inside your marquee

Linings will give you a seamless, dressed finish that gives the appearance of a permanent rather than temporary structure, with the benefit of extra height.

If you are wanting to control your costs and are happy to spend time decorating the marquee yourself, you will be fine without linings (window walls can be a real asset to reduce the amount of white space you need to cover).

These photos show you the same marquee dressed and undressed.



Our tables have the following dimensions:

  • 3’ seating 4-5 guests
  • 4’ seating 6-8 guests
  • 5’ seating 8-10 guests
  • 5’ 6” seating 10-12 guests
  • 6’ seating 12-14 guests

Trestle tables at 6’ x 2’6” can seat 6 guests.

They are also available in narrower, wider or longer dimensions if you require as well as different shapes depending on how you position them.


A minimum space of 1.5m deep by 1.5m wide is needed for a DJ and 3m deep by 5m wide for a 5-piece band with a full drum kit.

Do they have a microphone/PA that you can use for speeches?

Check if they are bringing their own dance lighting system? Many like to control their own lights although are often keen to have a mirror ball already placed into the apex of the marquee over the dance floor.

Do they require a stage and if so, what height?

Find out what power supply they require.

Do they require spot lighting onto their set?

Are they able to keep music playing for guests between their sets?

Think about where you would like your DJ/band to be positioned. If the sound level is likely to be an issue, face them away from the neighbouring houses.

Check our supplier list for DJs/bands that we would recommend.

Temperature, Power, Toilets

Thermostatically controlled heating that vents warm air into your marquee is the most efficient way of keeping your marquee warm. Without heating, the temperature outside the marquee is the same as inside…until people start dancing!

You can hear the heaters as, although they require a power supply, they do run on diesel, but once your event starts, the sound from within the marquee masks the sound of the heater so they do not cause a disturbance.

Booking your marquee

Although we have a lot of stock, in peak times we do run out so you are always wise to book your marquee as soon as you decide you want to go ahead and the stock you require can be reserved solely for your use.